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Mr Khan said:

That R* should do it because it will make them money. Porting costs are quite low for a high profile game, and unless its totally gimped or made into a ripoff (ME3), it will easily sell enough to make back the money put in, several times over.

Passing up an opportunity to make money for a business is irrational. So it points to 3rd parties being either biased or stupid, and if they're not biased, they're pretty damn moronic, and if they're not stupid, they're pretty damn biased.

Care to present some facts to go with your argument or are you just basing this on your own thoughts?

You could start with the porting costs, how much would it be to port a game which you haven't seen for a platform you know almost nothing about? When you have explained that with links or proper calculations done by yourself, you can move to part 2.

Prove that the game will sell enough to pay those costs several times over. You already have the costs, all you need is to know how much the game sells and how much of those sales are going to R*.

Surely that is easy, as you make it sound that those are facts.