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Me said:
Joelcool7 why are you here - every post i've read is trolling, has Nintendo ever gave you reason to be concerned?

It'll work out just fine, read the other Mario Kart thread and see if you dont get excited.


This forum is about marketing and the industry. You can call me a troll but I talk about Nintendo's moves within the industry. Yes Nintendo has in the past given me reasons to be concerned during the N64 they supported the cartridge at a much higher price point that lost alot of third party support.

Nintendo is hands down the greatest first party publisher, however their track record has shown that they are not completely perfect. The games industry is a living breathing organism pretty much and Nintendo is a part of that organism.

Nintendo has its ups and down and right now I feel it is having more downs then ups. Nintendo has always maintained a strong first party dominance with its first party franchises leading the way. But ever since the Wii and DS launched Iwata and Nintendo have made it blatently obvious they want change!

Change in their IP's change in their hardware , change in the way games are played. I discuss these changes such as Iwata stating Nintendo will be shifting focus from its established IP's to creating new ones, dropping the GameCube classical control infastructure entirely from future games, pushing third party games and holding back to give them space!

 Their are alot of things Nintendo does right now to discuss. I discuss them, I have been a Nintendo Power subscriber for 6-7 years I have been nominated to be a Sage and used to have a good relationship with two of the NOA's. I never bought a non-Nintendo console up untill the 360, I own almost every Mario, Donkey Kong and Zelda game made!

 I am the ideal Nintendo fan, so when discussing changes Nintendo is making who better then me, and I'm sure you and the other loyal Nintendo fans to call into question there decisions. Because thats exactly what my topics are all about a shift from games that target us the classical installed base to games that target non gamers with new controls and a removal of our established way of gaming!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer