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biggamejames79 said:
You'd think more people would be buying/playing all those ps3 games since they're critically acclaimed. Is Skyrim truly multiplat? I heard a lot of ps3 owners couldn't play it very well.

We can't. 

People keep telling PS3 users to quit whining about the DLC when the main game itself is broken and many aspects make it unplayable. 

For many people, including myself, when we get about 60-90 hours in, severe lag and pop-in begin. For some, save files begin corrupting and quests become unstartable or unfinishable. 

Anyway, that sure is a PS3 heavy list... Although MGS4, GOW3, and the Uncharted series definitely deserve some big nods, especially from a presentation aspect. Those are by far some of the best looking games of this gen.