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..........and why doesn't the Wii have voice chat? The friggin DS has it! The PS2 and XBOX even had it. I guess you don't need voice chat if all you can play is Mini-Games.

The XBOX 360? Not one single Blast Processor. Back in 1991, Blast Processing was standard in every Sega Genesis! And why do I use my Live Vision Camera less than I used my old Gameboy Camera? I already showed my balls to every Uno player on XBOX Live. I actually patented the activity (Uno-Ballin'). Microsoft, do YOU have any ideas?

Plus WTF SONY? I want to sell my PS2 to make room for a PS3. I can't even do that because of lack of backwards compatibility! I gotta pay $100 more for something I already got? It's not like I'm gonna play PS3 games on that big ass console, or anything.

And why does my DS have Pictochat? I can only use it to chat with somebody sitting right beside me. God made that feature obsolete 10,000,000 years ago..........when he created THE MOUTH!

And what's up with the PSP Slim? Is it just me, or is it the exact same thing as the first PSP? Way to be creative, Sony! You could've at least tossed in a touch screen so I could actually USE the Web Browser. And why the hell would I want to hook up a portable console to my TV? If I wanted to play games on my TV, I won't use the Playstation Portable. I'd use the Playstation PERIOD!!

Oh N-Gage. We need you now, more than ever!