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ddobson Private message Add to friends Posts: 58 (05/29/07, 14:11) Lest we forget in the heat of the discussion, the Wii does have Parental Controls built in. You can configure the Wii to prevent it running M-rated games if you so choose. That's Nintendo's primary defense against the Jack Thompsons of the world -- it puts the responsibility in the hands of the parents, where it should be. EDIT: This was already mentioned earlier in the thread, my mistake! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I understand what you are saying but it still doesn't change anything. Parents will still get mad. I know that Nintendo has parental controls but it won't matter. Nintendo has an image of being family friendly and all of us Fans know it. That image is so ingrained that most of us have had tons of arguments with people, who call family friendly games "kiddy." So here it is, even though fans everywhere go on and on about BmX XX, Conker 64, Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil's and while Nintendo's Software (game selection) is different than Nintendo Hardware (the System)... it is and was futile. Nintendo has always been like the harmless family dog and when they see Manhunt 2 it may be seen as the the family pet with Rabbies. The fact is that enough parents don't monitor what there kids are doing and those who do at home can't do it when that child goes over a friend's house. They may feel deceived saying, "I thought Nintendo was safe, We had sooo much fun with Wii Sports." Often times parents get mad because setting the Parental Controls requires them to do more work ("And don't I work all day," they may say). Most people want Fast Food, Plug-n-Play, Instant, No Assembly Required- they don't like to read instructions- they want no-brainer stuff. They want to put little Johny in a room (at home or at a friends) with a Game System were everything is safe- INSTANTLY. Did the woman who spilled the Mac Donalds coffee on her lap not know that coffee was hot? You decide. All I know is that right now the coffee cup is litered with warnings. So if Nintendo is smart they need to make an extra effort to alert parents to the fact that the game is M. Or else the mother who did not fear a bit when here child said he was going to play Wii may be greeted with a surprise when she burst into the room to spend sometime with here son by playing Wii Bowling. But what does she find her little angel doing using the Wii-mote to saw a man in half- laughing? "The Wii corrupted my Johny" she'll cry, "it was a Trojan Horse." As I said in my first posts on this thread, Microsoft and Sony can do what they want but Nintendo maybe judged more harshly. It would be like Disney creating a very violent cartoon, Barney just standing in a 2 Live Crew Video, or Mickey Mouse being in Saw 3. (And yes I know that Nintendo did not make the game but as I stated above Nintendo's own games dominate peoples opinions about the system). Personally, I don't like gore or stealth games but I loved Eternal Darkness and I want to buy RE4 on the Wii (I did not like the controls on GC esp. the knife). And no I do not have kids so my arguments above are just me having fun with predicting what impact this title could have on Nintendo.