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Well yeah.

The government's goal in saving company is to save the company no matter how much money it costs.

Meanwhile Bain capital's goal is to save a company to make a profit... and if they can't sell it for a lesser profit.

In otherwords... say you've got a crappy company that's going to fail... and they both throw money at it.

At a point, when it almost becomes a huge money sink not worth saving anymore,.. Bain Capital bows out and sells the assets... while the government would still throws tax money at it, until it either eventually finally succeeds or crashes despite all the money thrown at it/public pressure.

It's worth noting the term "picking winners and losers" literally means "Picking who wins and who loses."

The government is interested in this.

Bain Capital isn't.   Bain capital is intersted in trying to save companies for a profit.

So i mean... if Bain Capital was better at it... that would make government even more incompetant then most people think.