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Bladeneo said:
Hmm, seems pretty weird that this information didnt come to light with the Japanese release of the game, im sure someone would have made mention of it. If not, why would they only incorporate it into their US/EU versions? Sony are pissing me off.

The site did say they didn't know this will be in the final version of the game... but I don't see why they would even bother building the game around using the installation, then ship it without it. So it's not 100% going to need the 5GB of space. We should wait a little before going all crazy I think.

Stever89 said:

... Even with a 40GB, you'd only get 8 games on there, and that doesn't include saved games, PSN downloads, PS2 games, etc.

Rath said:

Even 40GB PS3's would only be able to have eight games installed at a time at this rate - and that is without any memory for PSN, saved games or anything else.

I agree sir!

And I'm all for cutting down on loading times, though at what cost? Everyone complains that the Wii lacks enough storage space, yet if smaller games like HSG and DMC4 are using 5GB, like nordlead said, how much is FF13 going to take? And the more important question is, does this dramatically increase load times? If it's optional, then it wouldn't really matter, but as more games come out, that 40GB for the cheapest version (which is the one that's selling really well), could become quite full.

And why doesn't the 360 version of DMC4 require an install? If the load times are really so bad that it would almost require an install to the harddrive, shouldn't the 360 version have one as well? And since the 360 version doesn't, does it have something to do with the blu-ray player not being able to access the disk fast enough?

Edit: I actually would like to know the access speed of a blu-ray player, at least on the PS3. With such large disk space, if it ran slowly than DVD drives (though I don't even know the average DVD drive speed), would that effect game performance/load times all that much? One of the main advantages of consoles has always been the lack of needing to install a game, and also that games on consoles usually run a lot better on consoles because it can be designed to the consoles specs, compared to computers that are varied in specs. It seems we're losing both those advantages, with many games being patched after they are shipped, and not always running up to par, and now needing installs before you can run the game. What's next? Viruses?