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Final-Fan said:
Look, I think I understand your situation: You're coming here from a place without the easy access to accurate, up-to-date sales data such as what VGChartz offers. Without reasonably accurate and fresh numbers, speculation is indeed all you can really do, and it's not reasonable to expect someone to independently research every single number when they state their opinions.

Ordinarily, we give some time for such newcomers to acclimate to the bright lights, and indulge their hilariously wrong numbers while gently steering them towards the relevant data here. However, you have chosen to ignore even the most basic of data available on the front page and done nothing (in this thread) but condescendingly and arrogantly belittle everyone who disagrees with the opinions you proudly back up with nothing but pure opinion-based speculation.

I am disinclined to cut you any slack.

First of all let me start this off by saying this is ridiculous.  I skimmed through your long post which seemed like it was written with definite intense and malice. I felt the need to ask? Why so serious?  Is it really that big of a deal to you?

Now I'm not going to go over every single point in your post because I'm tired of talking in cirlces.  But for starters I never said anything about you being in middle school or me being more mature than you.  I don't know anything about you, and I don't care. What I said was that searching for numbers for games (such as last gen GT and HALO) seems like homework to me If you think it was an insult on you well that's your hang up.  What I did say is that you HAVE TROUBLE READING AND COMPREHENDING which you keep making me painfully aware of.

I find it amazing how you keep combining points with my current post (with the recent numbers and simple steps outlining what exactly it is that I was talking about).  With a previous earlier ALREADY SELF ADMITTED MISTAKE RIDDLED POST and trying to make your point? Hmmm... agenda much?

Next you are continuing to discount any of my recent post in which I took THE NUMBERS PROVIDED TO ME BY PEOPLE WHO ARE MORE KNOWLEDGIBLE ON THE SUBJECT and used them to back my point.  For some reason you seem to keep going back my 3rd or 4th post, out of 5 or 6 and using that to fuel whatever hard on you have for the asinine point you're trying to make.

I admitted I was wrong NUMEROUS times and never once passed of my blind speculation as fact.  I don't know how to actually make you understand that this being one of your main points is totally rendered irrelevant but where I'm from people don't argue with people about their own admission of faults and try to come of "holier than thou". Especially when that was a point made initially.  You either have nothing better to do with your time, have a vendetta of some sort to fulfill or are an asshole. Or all of the above.  I don't know you tell me?

Let's put it in simple terms you may understand:  If we begin a conversation and you initially say something that's off base and completely wrong.  But immediatly based on the correction of me or others retract that statement and admit your mistake/failure/whatever and move on to the next point.  But I continue to stay on the point of your mistake.  That makes me ignorant and completely off base and missing the point.  Which is exactly what you're doing here.  You have completely disregarded my post using numbers provided, showing my thought process to the point that I was making.

So you'll have to excuse me if I'm being condescending to someone who want's to point out various things, all completely irrelevant to the subject.

Moving on I've explained tirelessly and time again. That it is my perogative to come on here and say whatever it is that I want.  Now if I come on here and spout nonsense and try to pass it off as truth?  Then yes that makes me an idiot. But all I've done was try to be stand up about it, and continuously point out/out line what I was trying to do.  Yes I was wrong with my initial post (I'm telling you again), and there is no excuse, which is why I myself said that it was IGNORANCE on my part.  The very definition of it I'm using on myself (not knowing). You're trying to use it as an insult.  Your perogative. But I'm admitting that I had baseless knowledge on the subject which is ignorant.  See what you're trying to do is take a self admitted mistake of mine and pass it off as an excuse to throw around stupid, moron, ignorant.  That's where the "hollier than thou" comment comes from.  Again an example:  If you are already aware of a mistake, meaning that you do have the educated capcity to realize that you're wrong. And then I see you do this and say "Damn dude you're a moron" with every intent of calling you a moron. Exactly what purpose does that serve?

And lastly I could give a fuck-less if you feel the need to correct people or are usually patient with them. My advice is get a job as a teacher, gift  take a hike fly a kite and leave me the fuck alone.  I'm done explaining it to you.  You're nothing to me but a screen name and a few paragraphs of text. If you don't like me or the way I do something. Don't pay me any attention.  I'm done with you. - It is what it is!