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Depends if it will be heavily bundled. In this case, it could really sell well. It's a great game (by the beta), but Sony's market is horrible and killed Twisted Metal and Starhawk. A worldwide superslim 16 GB PS3 bundle with All Stars could do the trick and push the game.


JayWood2010 said:
Depends if they decide to bundle it or not. I still think it is going to flop review wise. My guess is between a 78-82 metacritic. As far as sales it is really tough to say. Sony characters doesn't have mass appeal like Nintendo's characters. My guess is between 1-2.5 million but it's really hard to guess this because it has many characters but with no huge mass appeal and my guess mediocre reviews.

That's what they are trying to change with All Stars, increase the mass appeal of their characters. Kratos is the only big Sony character and Drake and Sackboy are relatively well known. A game like this could improve brand recognition, if it sells well. So they could really make a big push to sell it (marketing + bundles).


sales2099 said:
It will if Sony bundles it, which they may very well next year. On its own, not a chance.

This is a game that should ignite the passion in every PS fan, yet I am amazed the preorders arent reflecting this. 

Yes, the low preorders are a signal that it will need bundles. Maybe after a lot of bundles, the game will be more known and will gain some legs (like LittleBigPlanet).