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Torillian said:
DélioPT said:
14 pages had to be about something.
He didn`t support rape: "And I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”
All he is saying that creating life - despite the origin - is something that comes from God. It was God`s plan that despite what happened, still, a life should arise.
Maybe, just maybe, this child will be the best thing to happen to the mother even being born under such conditions.

That is possible, but then anything is.  What people don't like about the idea of every single abortion being illegal is that it makes rape that much worse because there's no part of this where the woman gets a choice.  Maybe that baby will change her life for the better, but that should be her decision, not something that the government forces on her in the worst time of her life.  Just seems logical on my end.  Yes it's unfortunate that a human life will never come to be, but rape shouldn't have that added possible punishment added onto it for the victim.  

The government is protecting the other innocent in the story.
From a certain perspective i think it`s good that the system doesn`t encourage decisions based on suffering. Be that abortions as a consequence of rape or any other kind of consequences. To me, one of the objetives of a any government is to guide people do the best they can; to be the best they can, despite the circumntances.
By not allowing abortion in this case, it also helps the victim to try and not fall victim to despair, a despair that would have consequences that the person couldn`t take back ever.

I know that what i`m saying might sound strange but i hope you can understand what i`m trying to say here.
In the end, it`s bad enough what happened, let`s not make it any worse.