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What this candidate said is intolerably cruel, insensitive, and barbaric. These aren't the words of a particularly decent individual, or a altogether bright one for that matter. We as a society have rejected such blanket justifications, and he does nobody any favors with such comments. Not only does it hurt obvious victims, but it casts his god is the most hideous of lights. Were that not enough to give him pause this kind of blanket justification is a nihilistic paradox at the very core of Christianity that places the whole faith in doubt as to its validity.

If you accept predetermination then the concepts of good and evil lose all meaning. Any act or consequence can be attributed solely to god, and thus any perpetrator must be innocent. You don't even have to incarcerate them, If they continue on committing crimes then that is gods will too. You can basically justify all the most sadistic acts by saying it is gods will. This isn't just some meandering extrapolation on my part. This is the story of history. God has continuously been used as a blanket justification for pure fucking evil.

This kind of logic has no place in our society, or in the leadership of our society. The mind so brazen to say such a thing in public. Is the same kind of mind that can send millions to their deaths in concentration camps. This in the end isn't a discussion about a paradox involving god. This is a discussion about what kind of outlook you have to have to be capable of the most heinously calculated evil. This person flat out scares me, because he represents a world view with no objective sense of right or wrong.

There is such a thing as a objective right and wrong as far as society is concerned. Do we really want the kind of leadership this man represents. He doesn't seem to be the kind of person that would have any problem at all with stripping people of all their rights.

I have to add this though. Why is it that we have people that believe in a predetermined existence governed by a omnipotent being of supernatural ability, but they don't seem to give that being much credit. It stands to reason that a soul would be a product of supernatural forces rather then mere biology. So there shouldn't be any real conflict at all about abortion. God knows in advance which babies will make it, and which won't. It seems to me that they give their god very little credit when it comes to the brains department.

Anyway I doubt most Americans believe this nonsense, and I doubt most Christians do either, because to do so is to accept that ones life is meaningless, pointless, or worthless. Most probably view the bad things in our lives as being a product of the fact that we have free will, and aren't having things forced upon us by a higher power. Am I wrong, or isn't that what the whole garden of Eden story was all about. The fact that human beings were always of a right to do something against gods wishes.

Anyway he deserves to get ripped a new one, and he isn't worthy of the job he desires. Further more the party he represents is definitely on the wrong course. These kinds of comments aren't altogether uncommon, and they do seem to be honest. I just can't imagine the more moderate members of the party tolerating this all indefinitely. In the end they are going to sour of the middle of the electorate. The same would hold true if the democrats had started promoting a state ownership agenda, or started promoting mandatory public education. This isn't just pro christian ideals anymore. This is getting into promoting a very specific brand of Christianity.