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BornFirst. said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
I have a massive question to the OP, why is Innovation the new Fun? I'm personally much more concerned with playing good games then playing "different" ones. Innovation hasn't gone anywhere with the PS3 and the 360, it's not "magically lost", developers are still trying to keep there series's fresh, and personally adding things like Online Play, 4-8 player story co-op, Six-axis controls for flying segments, and games like Everyday shooter keep the market plenty fresh while leaving core gameplay at it's finest.

Yes there titles are expensive to produce, but I've heard games on PSN really aren't >_>; They both offer a service that lets you put out low budget, creative hook titles for a fraction of the cost of the "epic monstrosities" I disagree with the article.

I don't remember stating it being the new fun, i don't even remember saying i fully agree with the article, so i can not answer your question. not trying to be cheeky by the way

I'm not picking you out of a crowd in the least bit ^^ I just constantly here the word "innovative" being pushed around like it's the next god-send. Innovation to me is just as if not less important then all the other things being rated. Granted, I understand why Wii fans would push that priority as it is the best thing offered in their console of choice, but I just don't see it being what everyone says it is.

I mean hell, Uncharted was a mix of Gears of War, and Tomb Raider, and by golly I loved it! Nothing innovative at all, and it was absolutely fantastic :) I just don't want people to assume that every game created needs to be "innovative", there are so many things you can change to make your game unique that it doesn't have to be limited to "new ideas". I almost always prefer solid gameplay over unique. Hell the first person market would be pretty dead otherwise xD

@Kitler, good point with the Eye of Judgement, too bad the game itself wasn't as good as say Magic or Yugi xD Thats a concept waiting to be explored :)

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