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Mr Khan said:
killerzX said:
Mr Khan said:
Any woman who votes Republican at this point has seriously skewed priorities.

Yeah, she prioritizes thinking with her brian, and not her vag.

how is this controversal at all? only because people twist his words to fit their agenda.

Yes, gasp and egadsMourdock is pro-life and only believes in making an exception for abortion when the mother's life is at stake. In cases such as rape -- an act he describes as  "horrible" -- he still sees the creation of life as something that is  always a "gift from God."

This is controversial because Christianity supposedly espouses the idea of a loving god, and people generally find rape as a bad thing.

which is why he said "rape is a horrible thing" but "life is a gift from God." this is nothing remotely controversal about this statement.

your promotion of a culture of ignorance and lunacy is astounding. You are completely devoid of any rational thought and reason on this subject, you are letting your partisan lenses cloud you judgement. something you have admitted to before. Step back, and look at this. watch the video, and tell me he is promoting rape. you can tell he cares, you can tell he is genuine in his belief to protect life. he clearly has no malice in his statements.