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Not really, every girlfriend I have had(only like 4 lol) I've been very upfront with my videogames but I've also been reasonable about it... I outright told her "look I love my videogames and the new final fantasy or zelda might distract me for a few days here and there." Most people are understanding when you're upfront and if she's not willing to deal with it fu*k her.

In short I do scale back on the amount of time I play but I don't scale it back totally for anybody and that's because I'd never ask her to stop her hobbies because I don't like them. I'd try to understand why she likes them and learn a little about them. I ask for only what I'm willing to give you know? Edit: Time apart is good when you're living together, I did it for 2 years before she decided she didn't like me for some unknown reason. Videogames was how I spent my time apart but she did benfit from it because I bought a lot of A/V stuff and built a theater in the living room and she loved her movies..