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sieanr said: DIAR said: Calling me Mr. Thesaurus makes you look childish and which is fine. You know you should really put a period between separate, unrelated thoughts. Prove me wrong DIAR said:Stop correcting my grammar as you have yet to be right. Your attempts to make youself look smarter than you are at my exspense have just gotten annoying "exspense" should be expense. And the "Your attempts" sentence is written like a child. I mean, "make yourself look smart than you"? I think you meant to say "attempts to make yourself look smarter than you really are" See how that makes sense? I guess a thesaurus can't teach you how to compose logical, coherent sentences. Again, prove me how my analysis of you writing is wrong. I'll put $5 million on the fact that your some high school kid in his first accelerated or AP course. Just because you can use a couple of grown up words doesn't make you the shit, nor does it fix your obtuse sentence composition.
Thank You for proving my point. You really are a child aren't you? Keep flaming, that's all you seem to know how to do. That and correct my grammar by making it worse. FYI, That first part was a complete thought and didn't need a period or a comma. Wrong again teach! BTW, that word was not me spelling it wrong but a typo. That happens you know. Keep teaching and flaming. Prove me right, flame me.
sieanr said:"exspense" should be expense. And the "Your attempts" sentence is written like a child. I mean, "make yourself look smart than you"? I think you meant to say "attempts to make yourself look smarter than you really are" See how that makes sense?
And thats how I typed it, nice job. Can't even quote right. Brilliant.
sieanr said:I guess a thesaurus can't teach you how to compose logical, coherent sentences. Again, prove me how my analysis of you writing is wrong.
You writing?