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BenKenobi88 said:
sienster said:
Thatmax said:
sienster said:
Donnie Darko is the most original underrated movie I've ever seen. Most people haven't even heard of it. You need to watch it more than once to appreciate it.

Most people havent heard of it??? you are very misinformed...or live under a rock with ants and stuff...

This is according to Wikipedia:

Donnie Darko had its first screening at the Sundance Film Festival on January 19th 2001. Critic Andy Bailey billed Donnie Darko as a "Sundance surprise" that "isn't spoiled by the Hollywood forces that helped birth it."[4] Although critically acclaimed, the film debuted in U.S. theaters in October, 2001 to a tepid response. Shown on only 58 screens nationwide, the film grossed $110,494 in its opening weekend. By the time the film closed in U.S. theaters on April 11, 2002, it had grossed $517,375.[5][6]

So sorry, I'm not misinformed and I live in a condo. It does have a cult following, but I bet if you walk down the streets of NY and poll people, more would not have heard of it than have. So I believe your the one that's misinformed.

 You should look up "cherry-picking" on Wikipedia as well...the DVD sales have surpassed $10 million.

It may have been a "cult classic" in theaters, but since then, the DVD has been rented and bought a lot.  It's a bit past cult status, though I'm sure it still has a cult following, due the nature of the movie.

Sales have surpased 10 million, so say at $20 per DVD that put it at about 500 thousand.  Given that there are over 300 million people in the US alone, I would say more people have not heard of it than have.

My point is that it's a good movie.