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Mr Khan said:
Allfreedom99 said:

If your implying he is just trying to push an agenda that intently means to diminish women I highly doubt. Many peole hold Pro-Life views in the U.S. today. His belief is that life begins at conception so therefore in his mind aborting is murder of a life. I doubt he is only trying to play on Christian beliefs that he doesn't hold and at the same time push an agenda from a belief of bringing women back to a "barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen" mentality.

He phrased his statements in a very inarticulate way. But basically Rape is wrong and punishment should be given to the perpetrator, but if a life is created then it should not be terminated, because he considers it a human being with the right to life.

The proof is in the pudding. He's pro-Ryan Plan (which various Christian organizations have condemned, btw), has challenged the constitutionality of Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid, and i'd be willing to bet he's pro death-penalty.

You're either for life or you aren't.

I see that as a Dichotomy. You can't just say that if someone is against Terminating a life in the womb MUST be against terminating a life for a criminal act.

On the belief that Life begins at conception the belief is that the human being in the womb is innocent. The human being did nothing criminal or wrong. That is different from a individual who has commited hienous murders in the 1st degree and is shown to be a serious risk to society for further crimes. Some argue, "then lock them up for life". That is where the choice of using tax payer money to feed, clothe, and take care of a serial killer is advantageous or to give the full punishment of death for his crime. Each state decides that.

For a pro-life individual the differences are: one (being the unborn child) is an innocent life with the right to life and has committed no crimes. The other is convicted of murderous crimes, is a risk to further murderous crimes and is not innocent before society.

That is the difference in the Pro-Life individuals point of view. One is guilty. One is not.