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Mr Khan said:
Kasz216 said:
Mr Khan said:

We've had the back-and-forth over this one as well, and the fetish-appeal of Queen's Blade is irrelevant to the argument, which is about the role of the pro-life argument as the promotion of an anti-feminist agenda (the making of women into sex objects being a different part of the problem)

Lack of influence indeed. Because despite the media i consume, i'm out there working against it. I would figure the semester working for an anti-sex-trafficking coalition outbalances three seasons of Queen's Blade (that i never paid for anyway)

And again, to bring this back to a theological perspective, predestination either holds, or it doesn't. It can't hold only partway.

I linked to TVtropes for a reason.

  • High On Catnip: Done to Elina by Nyx to comedic effect when she surprises her with catnip powder, after learning Elina was susceptible to it. The accompanying flashback even reveals that her sisters used to use it to keep her under control. Sadly for Nyx, it backfires when Elina rapes Nyx, while under its influence!

Having comedic rape in a show that's about the sexualization of women... i'd say  that's reinforcing rape culture... wouldn't you?

If you just forgot this happens.   Well that sorta proves my point doesn't it.


As for outbalancing... this guy is a senator.  How much do you know about his legislation.  You worked on an anti-rapae coalition for a whole one semester.  How do you know he hasn't done things to stop rape?  You just threw that accusation out there without even taking a look at his legislative history... even though for all you know he may have created entire anti-sex traficing coalitions and enforcement groups.

At best, your accusation under your own terms is completely unwarranted and unresearched.



Though no... there is no such thing as "outbalancing."  when it comes to sexism or society... nor would that.

Anti-sex trafficking coalitions resolve a specific problem caused by rape culture it does nothing to combat rape culture.   Supporting media (even just by piraitng it, which does show an interest) promote rape culture... which leads to these things systemtically.

If you were looking to "outbalance" you would speak agaisnt queensblade and other such manga that trivilize rape or use it in a sexualizing way... (as waaaay to many do.)

Whatever's cited there, i haven't seen it yet. Possibly part of the manga, which i haven't read. I do remember there being some controversy in the fandom about them portraying actual rape at one point, so it's possible that was it...

The guy isn't a senator, btw. He's the right-wing nutcase who unseated the old Republican senator from Indiana, Richard Lugar, in the primaries for being "too moderate." As far as Wikipedia can tell me, he's been a Christian missionary to Bolivia, which makes it all the stranger that he suddenly advocates all of these anti-human-dignity positions once he's running for Senate.

With an addendum here that the group i worked for was specifically working to figure out how to reduce demand for prostitution, so yes, it was working on a cultural front.

Well now that you DO know... I'm guessing you are going to stop supporting the series?  Afterall it is a far bigger promoter of rape culture.

Weird though... the article I read said he was a senator.  Either way... that just hurts your point further, as now he literally has no more influence then you do... and as you mentioend.  He was a Missionary.

As for your taskforce.  What power do they have to inact any changes they decide on.  Compaired to say... your actual consumption of rape culture media.

If you were to take an honest look at the media and things you consume.  I think you'd find yourself quite guilty.

And self recognition of rape culture is the most important step to fixing rape culture.

Just how self recognition of unconsious racism is the most important step to fixing racism.


This is a bit of a hot button issue to me, because stuff like rape culture, racism and the like are things that EVERYBODY are victims too... and holier then now condemenation only further created a divide rather then bring actual change and improvement.