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@Happy, I actually agree with you. I agree if you have the budget to toss, go for the gold and go epic. But if a game like Disgaie (sp?) can sell so well in Japan, and have THOSE graphics. Then it's proof that you don't NEED graphics to sell.

I'm personally really happy with the PS3 because the experience is unlike I've ever had before in terms of involvement with the world. I was watching the intro to Ratchet and clank (which is pretty damn nice animation quality) and then the camera pans down on the city and shows my character standing there, and I bullshit you not, I was so curious as to why this cutscene was taking forever to do something untill I realized that I had entered the actual game itself. It was one of the most breath taking moments for me in videogame history lol. So I do think the enhanced power can really bring out the immersion, but for god's sake if you can't do it well don't do it xD Focus on core gameplay mechanics, and just let the hardware offer what it can. Increased resolution, more things on screen, better lighting, physics's etc etc. 

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