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Mr Khan said:
klystron said:
Mr Khan said:
Any woman who votes Republican at this point has seriously skewed priorities.

Khan, many women are mothers who don't like the murder of little babies. Having sex with whoever or whatever you want consequences be darned is not a priority for most.

See, you too are promoting rape culture here, by misrepresenting the question as being about loose women.

I repeat myself. Women who vote Republican have seriously skewed priorities.

I think what you mean is from your point of view they have skewed priorities. Like a debt-free nation for their children. Or a military that can keep them safe (whether they serve or not.) Or what about a culture that promotes life? Oh, in your mind that's a skewed priority, amirite? I bet you think that all women need big government to protect them. God forbid anyone should want to protect themselves.

I'm not promoting rape culture at all. I simply am not, unlike you, making emotional appeals to further my political agenda.