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Allfreedom99 said:
Some people are very quick to paint this man as someone that sympathizes with rapists. I do think this candidate definitely phrased his statement in a bad way.

From how it appears this man holds to the Evangelical Christian belief. In the christian belief God's will plays out in humanity as time goes on. This happens both on a large scale and small. In Christian belief God is sovereign and nothing happens that He does not know about or that He won't know about to take place in the future. In the Christian belief God has given mankind the ability to choose. Mankind is not controlled but has the freedom of choice. This was demonstrated when the first man and woman chose to disobey God and ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Therefore their minds were opened to rebellion against God and the knowledge to disobey His Will for mankind.

In the case of a rapist choosing to rape a woman that is the rapists choice originating from the first sin that gave mankind the knowledge of good morality and bad morality. It is Not the will of God for this man to rape the woman. This is where some gray areas happen in Calvinistic predestination and the complete choice of mankind in Arminianism. In Christian belief through the Bible it demonstrates that God hates sin because it is bad for mankind. Gods Will of course is not for mankind to rebel against Him and make immoral choices that harm mankind. So in a combination of Predestination and free will it is not God's will for the rapist to choose a sinful act and rape the woman, I think what this candidate is saying is that God intends for this life to be created. God knew that the man would choose to rebel against God's law to rape the woman. I definitely dont believe the candidate is saying that, "this woman should be allowed to be raped because it is God's will!" if this man held these beliefs we would be hearing that he had a record of evil acts and statements because if he was that twisted we would see it in his actions.

In this man's beliefs he knows God's ultimate Will for mankind will be carried out but it happens also in coordination of mankind's free choices. Since mankind has the ability to choose immorally then immoral actions will happen that go against God's law. What the man is trying to say is that it was God's will for the life to be created and it all happened within the choices of mankind. The man chose wrongly to rape the woman. A life was created. If life begins at conception as he believes the woman then has the choice to either destroy that life or allow the life to live. His belief is that the punishment should be on the rapist and not the child because he believes life begins at conception. If that is true then destroying the life would be classified as against Gods law of "thou shall not commit murder" and therefore against his beliefs. he didn't explain his statement in a way that provides clarity about his beliefs. Poor phrasing of words but some people seem to make it sound like its "ok to rape a woman ". Of course that is ridiculous and not what he believes.

He doesn't give a damn about God. He's just trying to promote an anti-feminist agenda.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.