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binary solo said:
DanneSandin said:
Game journalists aren't journalists: they are gamers! I've been saying this quite some time now. AND they are biased AND corrupt


I think the word you're looking for, in this context, is corrupt; unless you don't have the stones to call it what it is.

This site's been accused of the same. It's a major problem when you have publications that are highly reliant for revenue on advertising the products they are reviewing.

The reviews that are more likely to be a true reflection of the reviewer's opinion are those found in publications that rely very little, or none, on gaming industry advertising revenue, like general news websites that have a resident game reviewer. Like the Sydney Morning Herald. Doesn't mean their opinions are any good, but just less likely to have been bought

There, I fixed it ;) There is so much wrong with gaming journalism as it is today it's hard to pinpoint the just one thing...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.