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Personally I couldnt care less the boxers got as well the game .Even if they get it it will be maaany months later and probably a downgraded version so the game will do its objetive of selling a lot of hardware for the PS3 .Its just that with this kind of topics ....well it makes me not wanting it to be multiplattform more and more .Just for some to learn a lesson . What I dont get is how the game isnt in development for X360 (not a single line of code ) ,the developer says it wont go to X360 ,the publisher isnt making nearly any X360 games and the ones it is churning out are lame ports(and wait for PES 7 that was built with Cell and BR in mind ,and I wouldnt hope Silent Hill 5 to come to the X360 either ) that dont sell a dime ,Substance was a magnificent flop on the Xbox ....but you still belive it will appear in X360 because a xboxer blog says so or a declaration says that the game is being built for the PS3 solely without any compromise for porting it later . Some people have fixed ideas .MGS4 will come to the X360 .Sure .No doubt .Then Kojima appears and says no it isnt ,Konami says the game is exclusive and is being developed solely for the PS3 without making compromises for making easier to port it to another plattform later ......but no it cant be theres a lot of money there they must be talking bullshit the X360 version will came shortly and with improvements "fer sure " .Then Kojima says the game needs and will fill a 50Gb BR and that he is putting a lot of work in the Octocam effects that only the Cell is capable of rendering .That just makes the antisonier bunch to scratch their heads and say ..."what is he talking about ?" ," we read it was coming in a blog !" ,"why do he says weird stuff when we know it is coming ?" ,"cant that damn jap just close its mouth and let Konami announce the game for the X360 as we know it is happening ?" ... Its funny in a way ,but pathethic in other .