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To be honest it doesnt suck. But PR talk put it's capabilities way above what is possible on the machine. Couple together with an akward dev kit and lousy online it's
some way off being what it should and could have been. The games continue to hurt it though. Any gamer (not fanboy) can see that it has the least Jrpg's, sports, flight,
Wrpg, kids or fun games of the bunch. Also it's top flight games that are exclusive are not very impressive. The only really good games are available on rival formats with purer online services that work. As a gamer these are all problems for me. Even up coming titles seem on the fence. FF12 was a poor game. why is ff13 not gonna be the same? The only titles left intriguing for me is MGS4. After the constant batch of bad exclusives any new exclusives for PS3 I'm being extremely aware of.