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Zappykins said:
What about Socialism?

I grew up being taught that was terrible, but the USA has plenty of socialism that is good. Like, our military, fire department, police, air traffic controllers. It isn't all bad.

Last we I had I guy ask me if I thought Obama was a communist. I asked why would he even call him that? His answer Obamacare. I had to explain to him about socialism, and how it was socialism though social security that he receives that is keeping him alive.

I am not sure he understood.

I'm not sure you understand.

Socialism isn't about the government providing essential services to its citizens, socialism is about heavy governmental involvement in the production of goods and services within the economy for the "common good"; where the "common good" is usually defined as massive wealth redistribution from those that worked to develop the wealth to those who did not.

"Obamacare" isn't socialism though, it is a series of rules that ensure rapidly increasing healthcare costs and the eventual collapse of the system. Suppose I was selling car insurance for $6000 per year and the government mandated that you had to buy this insurance or pay a $1500 penalty, and you could buy insurance after you got into an accident and I would be forced to repair any damage that occurred; in this kind of a system would you buy insurance before you got into an accident?