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We definitely could make cuts in the military, but not defense. Those two are often confused for the same thing, but they're not. It's not "defense spending" to build a billion dollar embassy in Baghdad or pay $40 million for air conditioning tents in Iraq. We shouldn't be invading other countries so often, so the cost of not occupying so many places around the globe would produce significant savings. Then maybe we could even afford to re-open some of the bases here within our own borders. Heaven forbid!

We could also do some giant trimming to welfare. A bag of Funyuns or $7 Edy's half gallons of ice cream shouldn't be allowed to be purchased with food stamps. If you're so destitute that the government has to pay for your food (by which I mean people who work and are involuntarily taxed) then you should be on a diet of eggs, milk, butter, cheese, bread, rice, beans, and maybe cheap cod or something until you're able to get back on your feet. But the abuse of food stamps has just gotten way out of control, and we could save a LOT of money in that program alone just by cutting people out who are abusing it, and NOT harming people who are actually destitute and rely on the program to survive.