Gadgets And Gizmos
The new advertising campaign for Halo 4 could be your chance to finally make it onto the telly.
The word is that the first TV spot on the 23rd of October will introduce the game to the public. However, things will get really exciting with the next ad, which will be shown after the game is put up for sale. This will feature a roll call of honour in which randomly chosen players of Halo 4 will appear on the screen in front of your very eyes. This will include their picture and information and is sure to make the ad a moment to remember for anyone lucky enough to be featured on it.
High Millions of Players Expected
To get the chance to feature in the ad you need to opt in through the game’s Facebook page. The advertisement will also tell us all exactly how many people are playing the game on Xbox Live at that precise moment. The firm expects the number of players when this is done to be in the “high millions”, whatever they are.
A spokesman said that Xbox wants to “engage with core fans” with this campaign. As well as this ad, the Halo 4 marketing activity will include partners such as Pizza Hut, Mountain Dew and Samsung so you can expect to see the name about a lot in the next few weeks.
The game is launched on the 6th of November but you can make sure that you are in with a chance of appearing on the roll call of honour by signing up on the Facebook page before then.