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I don't know much about its influence. All I know is that when I played this game about ten years ago at my friend's house on his PS2, I kept thinking to myself, "Holy shit! You can do EVERYTHING in this game! Steal some sweet sports cars, be chased by cops/the military, ride a tank around the city, blast random cars with rockets and shoot strangers' heads off. How can a single game be this awesome??? How can anyone get bored of this game?"

And well, I did pick the game up recently for the first time in years and I still enjoyed it. I thought its age and dated graphics would have killed it, but I was very wrong. I actually completed the last mission two days ago, and it was well worth it. Definitely not far behind from Ocarina of Time in terms of gameplay value, in my opinion. And the original legend of Zelda is from an entirely different league. (Would be like comparing Super Mario 64 with Super Mario Bros).

But yeah, I wouldn't know about its actual influence on the gaming industry. Frankly, I don't care :)