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Teflon02 said:

Glad you brought this up. My guesses are usually on point or close when it comes to analysis. SMT series. Persona 4 Golden was announced I believe when this info was originally given. Now the fact they said series, it either means SMTIV is not a 3DS exclusive. Or it means *drum roll* Persona 5 is being made for PS Vita. There has also been little things that lead to persona 5. SMT games are not usually made as a multiplatform title, but one platform at a time, which makes SMTIV idea go out the window, now in a interview in the past about P4G. There were a few things you get out of the interview that confirmed a few things. Persona 5 was confirmed in dev prior to the interview btw. Not the things were, Persona 5 was technically confirmed as a PlayStation Something title, because they had used the announcement of Persona 5 as a piece of advertisement and they wouldn't do that if it wasn't on a PS platform obviously seeing it was on the PSBlog. Now specifically we all know japan loves handheld gaming, and as of recent years (SMT has been all over the handhelds). On top of that, in the interview it was said, the Persona series feels right at home on a handheld like PS Vita because its the kind of game you can play for hours or in short sessions on the go, like while on the train you can start it up and do a day or a scene then save and stop etc. That being said, that was the reason of 1-4 being put on psp and vita. And to do that then jump to ps3 or 4 for the new title would be weird seeing PS3 isn't getting this kind of Persona support. Also it was said I believe in the summer Persona 5 is about 2 years into dev, and thats approximately about the time Sony allowed PS Vita development. Kinda works together to smoothly. 

Now the Namco Bandai was definitely wasn't tales seeing the game was announced pretty fast for japan, it was likely God Eater 2. But they probably were talking something else also cause the game was announced for PSP for a while, but we'll see, hopefully tales and God Eater reach NA

Obviously Persona 5 will. Most likely on PS Vita especially if Persona 4 Golden does as good as I expect

Yeah, I found it interesting as well.  It would be very, very cool if Persona 5 was on the Vita.  I can half see it happening for the reasons you've already mentioned (fanbase is on Sony consoles; Japanese gamers play on handhelds; Persona 1-4 have all been made compatible with Vita).  I'm just a bit worried that it's the kind of project that would have been moved on once they saw the Vita's sales.  But I hope not!

And yeah, you're probably right about the Namco Bandai game.  I find it weird now, looking back.  The clues were there for GE2 coming to Vita, but it was still a surprised when it was announced at TGS.

I'd like to see what Marvelous AQL's fantasy RPG is too, if there is indeed one still coming.