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Obama is a great candidate but Hilary has enough fanatics and money that she will win the Nomination. That's bad news since Hilary is, not to sound immature... evil. No one really knows what her stand is, she says anything to get votes and is one of those people obsessed with power and with winning. There are lists and lists of her saying one thing to one state and then the complete opposite to another state just to please a few extra voters. She uses negative campaign adds, has taken more money from lobbyists than almost all the other candidates put together, and is downright unfriendly.

She is also quite leftist and if she runs up against McCain (a moderate) she will probably loose since independents are a big part in the U.S. and while the Republican party may have lost some voters in the past 8 years, even a weakened Republican party can beat the Democrats if the independents all vote for McCain.

If Obama wins the Democratic nomination though, the Democrats win hands down. It's hard to beat such a strait forward, honest looking guy in a general election.