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Had one of the greatest matches ever in this. I was playing with a friend, and it was are first match in 2 days so we needed a little time to whoop ass lol. I was Sly, and he was Sweet Tooth, we were getting our asses handed to us for 2 minutes, I even mssed 2 murrays and ST missed 2 Lvl 1s. Together got killed 6 times and no kills on our part. We were facing Kratos and Radec. I started getting annoyed with Kratos, because he was always knocking me flying and then trying to jump ST with Radec. Then I analyzed what he was doing, and realized that Radec was purposely luring me in so Kratos can use the forward square on me, so I was like, yo, follow my lead these bastards think there smart. I purposely followed and then right when Kratos came, I used Sly's Counter, super jumped and slamed on him, slid electricity for when he gets up, slamed with cane, then he got up and tried to fight lol, teleport behind his ass and whale on him, he made be get almost a lvl 2 and he ran boom, double kill, then ST double kill, then me Double kill, and on 1 second I got 1 more knocking us into overtime, where we got 10 kills on em with no deaths we won with 27 to -3. Was the best comeback ever. Nothing feels better then that. I never had so much fun in a brawler since Melee. Brawl was good but wasn't as good as Melee. And honestly I love that the comebacks are not accidental drops off a cliff. Also love the different feel to this, my friends all had doubts, till this beta released. We go hours like its the full game