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NYANKS said:
binary solo said:
Just played a few rounds at Armageddon today. Loads of fun. I played one round as Sly and one round as Nariko. I was much better a Sly because I found Nariko to be a bit slow. My nephew and my sons played more rounds and they said that while SSBB is easier to learn Battle Royal to be over all a more fun experience. I've never played SSBB So I can't compare. It's a definite buy though.

They had the game running on an 80 inch 4K TV. Even though the game is only 720p the quality if the picture on the 4K TV was incredible. A pity 4K TVs are $35K to buy. If I was a squillionaire I'd get a 4K TV tomorrow.

I can't WAIT to try Nariko, Heavenly Sword was the first Ps3 game I ever played/owned, so jealous lol.  Any more details on her?

Her level 1 super is Twing Twang, you know the crossbow girl. 

Nariko's a powerful character, but as I said, a bit slow. One problem also was I was playing her on the inFamous level, which is the huge tower from Infamous 1. The game takes you up the tower and if you don't keep jumping up the platforms and disappear off the bottom of the screen that's a death, so I died a couple of times that way. Her moves are cool and for a little while I had all 3 opponents cornered and I was wailing on them with her huge sword and they could do nothing about it, that felt good.

There were masses of people lining up to play PABR and out of the 3 console booths (360, Wii U, and PS3/Vita) the Playstation booth was the most crowded totally due to PABR. So hoping that's a good sign for the game.

I must say I was a bit worried about the game seeing some of the criticism from a few gaming reporters, but really it's looking brilliant. The environments are great, and having them be dynamic is really cool. And having incoming fired from the background keep the intensity level up.

One round I was watching went into quadrupel overtime. A guy playing as Ratchet ended up getting a come from behind win.

My nephew played as evil cole a couple of times, that was great, but he liked playing as sweet tooth best. My son really loved playing as Jak, said he got the hang of Jak's play style quickly. He played as Big Daddy once but felt BD was too slow. That's a great thing that each character has a very different feel to them which will keep the game fresh and give it great value.

I really hope they do a good job with online play, it'll be really annoying if there's too much dying due to online lag. At least there's 3 of us at home so we'll get a lot of offline play without the hassel of online lag.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix