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A lot of the jobs that are "outsourced" were never jobs in the first place. Like the 300,000 people who make Apple products in China. They never made them here. America lost no jobs because of Apple. In fact, Apple's products create all kinds of jobs here in the US.

The only thing McCain said right in 2008 was that the lost manufacturing jobs are gone forever. He's right. We don't necessarily need to bring them back we need to adapt to new markets and train people for new careers. That is something people should do themselves.

Face it we can blame outsourcing all we want. It hasn't worked in the IT industry. I'm in huge demand as a software engineer because India just doesn't cut it. I've been involved with manufacturing in China and it failed and two Indian outsourcing efforts for software and they failed. It doesn't work. China won't be on top forever. All the things people say about China and outsourcing now were said about Japan in the 70s. Chinese labor is already unionizing and demanding more money. Things are getting more expensive there. The world will just move on.

BTW, the reason companies open jobs overseas is because they don't have to pay payroll taxes on those people. And with our huge corporate taxes (highest in the world since Japan lowered theirs) companies can make a corporate presence in another country and pay lower taxes to house workers there. So rather than punish them for sending jobs overseas why don't we stop punishing them for keeping jobs here.