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Shortage of parts, production glitches, air shipping?

After Nintendo successfully delivered how many million units successfully into the hands of consumers during the holiday season?

I'm finding it pretty hard to believe they're running into logistical problems well after establishing their current production infrastructure. If anyone believes this, I don't see how they can simultaneously be forecasting significant increases in production later this quarter if the current rate of production is in reality maxed out at about 1.5min per month.  It's putting the cart before the horse here if the numbers are accurate. Firmly establish that 1.8min per month Nintendo claims first.

Air shipping? One of their primary production facilities is located right in Japan. Most going to the Tokyo metropolitan area where they're being sold. They have another in South Bend, Washington to handle U.S. production. Facility sizes and employment numbers of each facility are protected as trade secrets, but if anyone can shed a little light on this apparent discrepancy, it might explain The Case of the Missing Wii consoles.