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Here's what UK gamers have to do to play this game online.

First thing, go to and register. I went to and just to make sure.

Then you need to go to:

you need to log in with the details you registered with at (try and make and the same username and password).

GO through the drop down boxes, select Wii, then Medal of Honour 2 Heroes.

It then asks for a code. At the back of the Manual on the last page. Page 12, you will see a code. type it in how you see it (with capital letters).

Then hit submit.

Within 24 hours you will get a confirmation..

Now, aslong as your router is setup like the back of the manual says.

When you get that confirmation and your title is registered, you can go in and get started playing Multiplayer.

I personally have only JUST done the registering of my game, so i am awaiting an email first. But i have spoken to a contact i have at EA and this is how its set up.

Edit: This only works for the UK version of the game, Australian gamers such as myself will completly miss out on the online multi-player.