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First of all the thread and the OP is just for breaking 50%...not necessarily this year. 

As for this year: Currently the Wii will need around 520k per month (starting in Feb) MORE than the 360 and PS3 combined to hit the 50% mark WW LTD in 2008. Or if you prefer thats about 121k per week (using 4.3 weeks per month).

Now lets take a quick look at last year:

The Wii averaged ~37k per week over the combined sales of the 360 and PS3. Using 4.3 weeks per month as a baseline that is only about 159k per month.

Those are the numbers, like it or not. Now, it is fair to say that there is reason to believe the Wii could increase and you can list the reasons if it makes you feel better but as of right now there is no reason to think the Wii will pass the mark this year.

Note that my quote in my sig is of Leo saying the Wii will "never" break 50%. Which of course is sort of the opposite end of the spectrum from folks who think it will pass by mid summer.

To Each Man, Responsibility