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runqvist said:
se7en7thre3 said:

What is this about? Nintendo won this gen, blindsiding everyone, hands down. Yes, MS is also a big winner, r*****g the dog s*** out of Sony. But this was expected, because everyone knew once M$ entered the scene, it was only a matter of time before they took over (so called "hardcore"). They were the NEW BIG BULLY on the block, with Sony rightfully crapping in their pants.

Nintendo passive aggressively backs off, creates a system you can have ALONGSIDE either of the two "big red" machines. But as the two dumb cavemen are killing each other, one battling RROD losing asstons of $$$, while the other is overpriced to death but no one gives a **** about blu ray...Nintendo's sippin mai tais on their blue ocean. Then the herp-a-derp copycat cavemen realized "OH, WE MUS COPEE NINTENDO NOW WITH TEH MOSHIN CONTROLE". Kinect was a disgrace (I can't even get good value at gamestop FFS), and Move was so shameless that people ignored it, despite being better than wii remote plus.

Big Winner by far (profits + units sold)
1. Nintendo

Mongolian Kamikaze mass destructor (big $acrifice to bring down Sony)
2. M$

Fall of the Roman empire (every dog has its day)
3. Sony

Your post makes me think that you have some serious issues. Derp is strong with you.


-Mr Khan

No, the derp is strong with you runie-boy. I think Se7en7thre3 made a very good point and post with this one. You are clearly blinded by your favorism of one or two consoles.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.