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lilbroex said:
kitler53 said:
lilbroex said:
So the final verdict. The only people who care about this news are the people who never liked Nintendo and never planned to get a Wii U to begin with. The people who were planning the get one weren't even expecting this feature to exist in the first place.

Journalists just skipped right over the fact that it has voice chat capability and went straight into the negative things they could find around it.

so i read a lot of posts about out CoD will be soo much better on wii U because you can have one person on the gamepad and one on the TV.    ..but now we find out that the guy not on the gamepad can't have voice chat.  ..not sure how much online multiplayer you've played but voice chat is sort of critical to the experiance.  if the second guy can't be on voice the 2 player option is fairly gimped.

..and wii had voice chat capability.  having voice chat capability in of itself isn't impressive as it became standard about 5-6 years ago when  both sony and nintedo followed MS's lead.  but nintendo promised a roboust online network for the wii U and cross game chat is something xbl has already done for years so it's a bit conerning that nintendo isn't meeting the established baseline.

but hey, you just skipped right over the legiment critiques and went straight pretending that nintendo is god. 

I hated voice chat in COD.  I wish they had an option to have it turned off by default because most of it is just 12 years olds using racial slurs and profranity.

I played COD my PS3 and stayed number 1 in th ematch without ever hooking up a mic.

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