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Sorry I haven't been in the thread much lately ,but my mum died on the 16th ,Australian time , i hope you are getting into the RPG's , i still think Lestat should look into Dragons dogma .

 To Stokedup  ,about Persona Golden and Europe even though the vita is doing OK there , Historically the series itself has performed poorly there , there are a number of reasons for this namely the series arriving late with little publicity  and if not for Publisher  Ghostlight  probably not at all  meant that a lot of hardcore rpg fans imported further diluting the sales , also apart from a few games we all know well,  Europe tends to be the poorest performing sales wise of the 3 markets when it comes to jrpg's  , still word of mouth has meant the series has grown but is still quite small , at least we have no region lock to worry about and can import .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot