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Scoobes said:
adriane23 said:
Scoobes said:
adriane23 said:
gergroy said:
adriane23 said:
The poor play mechanics of WRPGs (PC RPGs as I like to call them) has always been my major complaint with them. 95% of WRPGs have TERRIBLE battle systems and at least half of them can't even get navigation around the game world correct. It always baffled me how so many people could dismiss this aspect of these games and still consider them great. And don't get me started on the amount of bugs.

interesting, I would say the same about JRPG's.  Especially if you compare recent JRPG's to recent WRPG's it would be the other way around.  

No it wouldn't. Most WRPGs of the past 6 years have generally sloppy play mechanics. The few that do have good gameplay mehcanics are the Mass Effect games, The Witcher games,  and Kingdoms of Amalur. The rest are just content to have you flail your arms wildly with a weapon in your hand.

EDIT: Dragon's Dogma, Demon's Souls, Dark SOuls, and even FFXIII have great play mechanics, because they've been doing that aspect of gaming very well for several decades now.

The only WRPGs this gen that I can think fit that description are Diablo III and possibly Dungeon Siege 3... which is because they're pure hack n' slash. Even the Elder Scrolls games aren't like that.

The Elder Scrolls games are exactly like that, and it was the main WRPG series I was referring to. The gameplay is to basically strafe and swing your sword wildly around or shoot magic. There's no style to the gameplay at all. Pure hack n' slash games like God of War, Bayonetta, DMC, etc. add style to the mindless button mashing. That's not to say that WRPG's are mindless hack n' slash games, but they generally have no aesthetic appeal. Your character basically just does some flimsy looking action at an enemy and numbers show up. 

If you play either Skyrim or Oblivion in the way you described at any normal difficulty then you'd die... a lot. Your descriptions are over simplifying the combat mechanics. In the same vein, I could argue that most JRPGs are just about selecting a menu command which would be grossly ignorant. I suppose your descriptions might be true after you've played and leveled up for ages and made/enchanted your equipment to the point of being godlike. But before that, you have to be careful in the way you engage in combat. It also completely ignores the stealth mechanic which alters the way you approach dungeons/enemies.

I'd also argue that the 3 hack n' slash games you mentioned actually have a lot of depth to their combat then mindless button bashing if played at any difficulty higher then Easy. I say this because I actually enjoy the mindless button bashing/style and have to play on Easy

EDIT: Soooo yeah, there was supposed to be a bunch of text and a Youtube video here.......

I am the Playstation Avenger.