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Kantor said:
Bump because hopefully more people have played and finished (dear god, is that a short game) Dishonored by now.

Shameless plug of my review, I gave it 9.1/10:

"To summarise, it’s enormously enjoyable while it lasts, and you won’t have a single complaint to make whilst you’re actually playing. But looking back, you see just how much better it could have been: the gameplay of Dishonored with a properly formed storyline leading to a sensible and satisfying conclusion would make for one of the best games of the generation. As a game, it is almost without equal, but as the interactive storytelling experience that I hoped it would be, it falls a little short. Even as it stands, however, Dishonored is outstanding in its genre, and I can fully recommend it to anyone seeking a stealth game with a difference."

Do people generally agree with this sentiment? It's one of the most enjoyable games I've played for a long time, and extremely well crafted, but the story is oversimplistic and the ending is a mess. Remember to spoiler tag any spoilers.

It was a good game, no doubt. But there where a few things that really bugged me.Story was really weak almost non-existent, Corvo had no voice, and most of the missions where in Daylight.Then the characters had no real story, like Calista or Wallace to name those two. But the most dissapointing thing was the Outsider. It would be so awesome to know more about himw. Why did he gave me those powers, where does he come from, who is he? I mean I have not found all the shrines so maybe he does tell you when you find all of them. I hope they make a sequel with the Unreal 4 engine, I am so sick of Unreal 3.


The only game I could compare it too would be Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It is a shame, it could have been so much better.

Btw. your own rats don´t attack you.