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Kantor said:

Incidentally, I'm fairly sure that Islam condemns homosexuality as sinful as well. Assuming you still identify as Muslim, how do you feel about the matter?

I am and the Qur'an does not condemn homosexuality to death. Its more of a jail sentence.

However, I completely disagree. I fully believe its something you are born with and the ony reason a God would be talking against such a lifestyle would be that it does not allow for the propugation of the species. Also why I think it is mearly a punishment in terms of pushing away from the lifestyle and not condemnation to death and/or hell.

Additionally, the Bible doesnt' condemn anyone either for being gay. If I remember the OT verse correctly, its basicaly the same as the Quranic verse in that the offenders are to be separated indefinitely.

Unfortunately in both cases the followers have made it a much larger issue.