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The momentum isn't as important as the money - the momentum for both parties has had trouble lasting longer than one primary. But Obama's $30m in January (triple Hillary's) indicates a wide support base. Most of Hill's donations came from wealthy contributers - they've given all they can legally, and can't be tapped again until the general election. Obama's supporters have given in smaller amounts, and are generally far from the donation limit, so he can tap them again and again.

The press seems to smell a good story in Obama too, so expect the news to favor him considerably.

I said some time ago one of the biggest warning signs to Hillary was how quickly people were ready to write her off after Iowa. It was like they were waiting for an excuse to kick her to the curb. I can understand that desire among conservatives, but it wasn't limited to them.

What Obama has to watch out for is 1) He did underperform in a few states, most notably those with large hispanic populations. Hillary has a lot of the party machine still in her camp, and no state should be taken for granted. 2) Hillary was willing to play nice in the last debate after she came across so badly for playing racial politics. But that was before Obama's fundraising was announced, and before he took the lion's share of good press yesterday. Her back is to the wall and there's no longer any reason to hold back. Expect slash and burn politics, especially from Hill's proxies.