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Train wreck said:
VicViper said:
This Vita new low won't be "topped" at least in a while.

That's the last week without releases, none will be huge, but at least won't let it below this mark. That and holiday sales, which will make every device known to man sell better.

I dont think its a matter of the Vita hitting new lows, to me they are buying their time, sooner to later they have to make one of two choices

1. Take the system off the market, keep its loss to ~1 year, rethink its mobile future, possibly with their phone unit and move on.  Let the internet trolls bask in the glow of this sony failure

2. Take steps to make it a viable game system for publishers (including Sony themselves).  Make it affordable, non propritiety, reduce fees or game royalities so the big publishers can take bigger gambles; just flip the script to make the vita little/moderate risk high reward as opposed to the current high risk, little reward.

Big games takes two years to make. That's something for the future. They need something for the now - that is price cut.

3DS-Vita marketshare gap is growing to unmanageable levels - and the worst is yet to come with the combo holidays + MH4. Price cut is necessary imo as an emergency solution.