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Dark_Lord_2008 said:
I currently own an XBox 360, but i will get a Wii soon. No way would I buy a PS3 unless its halves its price. I guess that will happen in two to three years time. PS3 makes a good Blu Ray player providing you have a large Plasma Tv, as for game console that is a secondary function of the PS3. You can name the games worth purchasing for PS3 on a single hand and none of them are out yet: (MGS4, GT 5, FF13 and Resistance 2).

i could say the same thing about the xbox360...i'm not buying one until its half the price, and at the risk of being cheap,  because of its faulty design and tendency to break down (rrod anyone?). the 360 makes a great heater and a good paper weight after it dies on you.

i can also name the games i want to buy for the xbox360 in one hand, yeah, the 360 sucks...

but seriously, its comments like these that proves that you are either

1. a fanboy

2. racist

3. ignorant

4. close minded

5. a sour grape (ie you really wanted a playstation back in the day but your mom wouldnt get you one..)

6. in denial (ie your mom got you a genesis and everybody else has a super nintendo)

7. bitter (ie you bought a ps2 but ended up with a defective unit with no way of getting it repaired or getting it replaced)

8. egotistic

9. work for micro$oft

10. just a plain loser dening himself the abiltiy to play all the good games that would come out

 i for one dont own any of the systems, but will be buying a ps3 by the end of the year. will be buying an xbox360 when the japser comes out and will be buying a wii when it drops in price.