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Honestly, I only watched half the debate for two reasons:

1) Both candidates were not really answering the questions, they were just repeating talking points that (in most cases) were barely related to the question asked. The most obvious case of this was right off the start where Obama was talking about bringing back manufacturing jobs when he was asked about how he was going to ensure new college graduates had a job in 2 years; and my thought was "Really? You think that a college graduate wants to do the kind of low skill manufacturing job that western developed economies are losing to China?"

2) The debate questions seemed to be hand picked to favour the Obama side. The pay-equity question enraged me because the myth that women get paid less for doing the same job with the same experience level has been refuted many times, and the only reason it survives is that politicians (particularly on the left) continue to pander to women voters by not challenging it.