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theprof00 said:
Kasz216 said:

That's really only due to the fact that you kept pressing and highlighting a point in which you pretty demonstratably wrong on.

Like, I haven't even seen the debate... and this is the only thing I get out of this thread because you kept going on about something you were just wrong on... I mean, even the Atlantic has no problem admitting that Obama didn't call it a terrorist attack and even went so far as to be behind his own administration in doing so.

"Elsewhere in the Sept. 20 interview, Obama made the startling statement that "you can't change Washington from the inside, you can only change it from the outside." He blamed the deadly storming of the Benghazi consulate on reaction to an incendiary American-made video even though other members of his administration had already begun describing it as a preplanned terrorist attack"

Cnn etc... the fact checkers go against obama and you on this one.  Surprisngly.  Since usually they would just stick to such a quick mention, but actually dug deeper on the issue.


If you want to focus on the parts where Obama beat Romney... focus on those points.  Rather then trying to defend the points where he lost.

Your link to cbs agrees with me. He referred to it as an act of terror in the rose garden, then later says something else. I have been saying that this entire time.

oh and sept. 20 comes after sept 12.

You sure you read that correctly?

the CBS fact check says that he refrenced acts of terror directly in his speech but never called said attack an act of terror... or terroism... and this is further backed up by the fact that he specifically said it wasn't terroism later on.

Again, focusing and drawing attention to a losing arguement... and you only have yourself to blame.

This is the same area candidates often get caught up in in debates.

Like Obama in the first debate.  He focused on the 5 million thing so much, even though it was a losing point.