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kasz I have no problem admitting to being wrong or admitting obama is wrong.
I said obama sucked first debate, but not only that, I said Romney did really really good. I'm not just hard on my own, ie; romney didn't win, obama lost. Romney won first debate.

I also admitted that I got the numbers wrong just here in the talk about the gallup poll.

But you're not going to tell me he didn't refer to the event as an act of terror at the rose garden. I KNOW he called it something else afterwards, but he still said it. Romney was ALSO right when he said obama called it a result of a demonstration.
I don't know the full facts about WHY he changed his stance, and nobody here does, but I'm not going to be convinced that he didn't say it. That is what happened. I will admit that he didn't specifically, and without question, say it was a terrorist attack. But he did refer.
You will just say I'm wrong.
I wish I could see your point, but I can't. I'm looking at what I'd call irrefutable evidence proving exactly what I've been saying.