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Kantor said:

The theory of the genesis of life by the Christian god is entirely false, for one.

Not exactly.

The idea of creation in Genesis (actually there are two conflicting definitions of creation right after each other in Genesis) may not be intended to be taken in the literal way it is written outside of Hebrew. Its the same with the Arabic description of Creation in the Qur'an. The words that are being used and translated into "day" does not actually mean day, but span of time. Furthermore the Qur'anic description is even more apparent to really be leaning to the idea of six spans of time for creation that loosely follow the idea behind the Big Bang Theory.

Have to remember the time, age, understanding of the people, and their words they'd use to define something they clearly would have no knowledge of. Its simply not going to be a description we'd attribute to some scientific theory or law we have today.

I've never understood the fascination in creating a conflict between science and religion. Science doesn't negate religion and religion doesn't negate science. They are written thousands of years apart under difference circumstances, languages, and understandings about our surroundings. Its like how a parent tries to describe complex situations or natural occurances to a small child. Do we use big complex words and provide scientific definitions? No, we "dumb" it down to the level of the listener. That is what God would of done for the Prophets and/or how they would have described something they clearly didn't understand if being provided a vision.

So, to bring it back to the topic. There is no proof in the scientific view that any God either exists or equally, doesn't exist. There are many things that are the same in our history. Black holes were once just a concept. We had no way to see or measure them in any way. But Astronomers still believed they had to exist. Same is true for a great number of things all throughout our universe. There are still some today that will eventually be disproven or proven. Even God. But that proof is likely to remain personal when each living thing dies or we create a technology that allows us to converse, at will, with the universe itself. (see my earlier post on my definition of God)

With that, many people believe in a series sins that are so bad, you'll go directly to eternal hell and torment as served by a loving and all-compasionate God. One of these sins is homosexuality. So the idea is would you spare your unborn child eternal damnation by aborting "it" very early in the pregnancy given you were clearly able to know 100% that he/she would be gay based on a full understanding of the genome or some other test?