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Nem said:
Roma said:
lol this is so funny! everything just came from no wear like POOF! and suddenly it was there! how is that even logical?

I'm waiting for my game to create itself because well that's how everything came to be right? LOGIC!

Dont claim to know how the universe was created, you dont.

You are just proving what i said before. You dont know how it happened and thus your brain gives you a colorful story it calls "God" so u can make sense of it.

I could tell you how what is known, wich is the battle between matter and anti-matter. I fear this might be too complex for you to understand.

I do know how it was created and your science has explained something written for over 1400 years ago! the fact that there was no way to figure these things out at that time proves that they came from a higher power!

I don't know how you would be able to explain something complex since you don't understand simple logic!

"if i haven't seen it or if it has not been discovered then it does not exist" lol

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(